Colonic Irrigation – Coffee Enema (add on after colonic)

Colonic Irrigation - Herbal Enema

Coffee enemas are one form of hydrotherapy with a variety of health benefits. Hydrotherapy dates back to some of the earliest civilizations as a way to cleanse and heal the body.

Max Gerson, M.D. founder of the Gerson Institute, believed coffee enemas stimulate a complex enzyme system —where free-radicals are greatly diminished and carcinogens are combated.

In Gerson’s book, A Cancer Therapy- Results of 50 Cases, he developed a therapy program for many diseases with excellent results. His therapy combined coffee enemas with a special diet, including freshly juiced organic fruits and vegetables combined with oils and other supplements. The enemas were a cornerstone of the therapy.

Gerson found that the coffee enemas dilated the bile ducts, helping to purge toxins out of the body. He would give up to six coffee enemas a day for terminally ill cancer patients to help treat disease and even help provide and extreme detox from chemotherapy.

Though no one knows exactly how the coffee enemas work, it’s believed that they act as a dialysis of blood across the gut wall. Since all of the blood in the body passes through the liver every three minutes, the liver pulls toxins out of the blood during the process. Coffee enemas are not just for cancer patients. but for anyone looking to boost energy, improve health and increase digestion.

Here are 11 benefits of using coffee enemas:

Toxic elimination of up to 600%.
Increases peristalsis, improves digestion and cleans the colon.
Promotes weight-loss.
Increases energy, improves mental clarity and stabilizes mood.
Helps with depression, mood swings and sluggishness.
Helps kill parasites and candida.
Dispels gas and bloating
Detoxifies and heals the liver.
May help heal chronic health conditions (along with following a plant based diet).
Helps ease "die-off" or detox reactions during periods of fasting or juice fasting, cleansing or healing.
Used regularly in the Gerson Institute treatment protocol for healing cancer patients naturally.

This is a retntion enema, meaning once administered, you try and hold in the solution for 20 minutes lying on your right side. The enema tip is removed once the coffee solution is inserted so that you may rest comfortably during the retention phase of this treatment. After 20 minutes, you may visit the toilet in our on-suite bathroom to release the contents of your bowel. Coffee enemas can only be booked with a colonic irrigation treatment and cannot be booked as a stand along treatment.


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